Our exceptional venues provide state-of-the-art facilities that inspire and enhance every aspect of the camp experience.

World-class sports facilities provide the perfect environment for an unforgettable, action-packed development experience.

The venues are designed to inspire, challenge, and support young athletes as they develop their skills and passion for sport.

Our residential settings offer secure, comfortable spaces where young athletes can relax, recharge, and build friendships after an exhilarating day of activities.

Find out more about each venue

Oundle School

Performance Goalkeeping with AB1GK – 10th-16th August
Performance Running – 13th-16th August
Schulz Football Residential Camp – 10th-16th August

Oundle School is a co-educational independent school situated in the market town of Oundle in Northamptonshire and is the third largest boarding school in England.

Oundle School has long been associated with the very best of modern independent education, especially boarding and host fantastic sport, music and residential facilities.

Oundle is only eight miles from the A1 and five miles from the A14, making it easily accessible from all of the UK road networks.

Worksop College

Nile Wilson Gymnastics Residential – 3rd-9th August

Set in the heart of North Nottinghamshire’s stunning countryside, Worksop College is a co-educational independent school with a rich history dating back to the 19th century.

Worksop College has eight boarding houses, with just over 500 beds combined. Each house has its own kitchen, dining room and recreation room, along with rooms that sleep between 1 and 8 guests.


  • Specially trained pastoral team, available 24 hours a day
  • Staff welcome
  • Site induction
  • Getting to know you icebreakers
  • Individual daily support check-ins to provide all children a clear opportunity to raise any issues/concerns
  • A dedicated welfare staff member who sits separate to the coaching team and is available at all times for a chat
  • Venue mobile available at any time for parents to call or for children to use to call home

Activities will range between 30-90 minutes in length, depending on the type of session. We will provide plenty of breaks each day, splitting up activities and monitoring energy levels during the week.

We provide an on-site mobile which is available to be contacted at all times. Every day we will provide free periods where children can contact you using their personal devices.

All personal belongings brought by children will be at their own risk. We do not take responsibility for loss, damage or theft of these items, although we will have secure areas for children to keep them safe. Mobile phones are not allowed during sessions, but can be used at designated break times.

Our Performance Residential Camps are focused towards county and county aspiring athletes. The camp is an intense experience and would not be suitable for beginners.

You can book with ease using our booking platform website, Enrolmy, or by contacting our customer support team on 0121 2274385. Once you have made your booking you will receive your booking confirmation by email along with additional forms that must be completed prior to the residential starting. 

A month before your child’s arrival, you will receive all pre-programme information and within the week before the residential starts, you will receive a final pre camp email with all venue information.

  • Performance Running: 10-16 years

During the course children are split into age appropriate groups. In any shared accommodation we also make sure that children in the same age range are housed together.

We are able to support any child who requires regular medication that can be self-administered. We will need to know this before arrival which can be given during the booking process and the child information form. If you are bringing medication (prescribed or otherwise) you will be required to hand this in on arrival. Please note that this will need to be in original packaging with dosage details enclosed.

All activities will be held at the venue.

We know birthdays are special and we will endeavour to make your child feel special on their birthday by organising a card, singing ‘Happy Birthday', play party games and provide a cake.

If your child has any allergies or dietary requirements please communicate these to us during the booking process. We pass this information on to the school so that everyone is catered for during each buffet meal.

Outdoor activities will run as long as it is considered safe to do so and would only be moved indoors due to severe weather such as lightening, high winds or snow. Where possible alternatives will be organised subject to availability. If poor weather such as rain is forecast during your child’s stay, we recommend that you pack additional clothing and footwear so wet items can be changed between activities.

This is the perfect time for all the children to relax and unwind and get a good night's rest after a busy day of activities. Our pastoral staff will monitor all dorms to make sure all children are getting the sleep needed.

At Activate, we fully appreciate and understand that being away from home can be a daunting experience, so we make sure that every child is welcomed to a positive and friendly environment. 

If a child if feeling homesick we will always encourage them to speak to their parents about how they feel, and we will always keep an eye on for the duration of their stay. If we feel there is no improvement, we will contact the parent/guardian who may need to collect their child.

We will send a full residential packing list after you receive your booking confirmation. If you have any questions prior to booking, please contact our customer support team on 0121 227 4385.

We will have a tuck shop during the residential as well as a sale for official camp merchandise, children are welcome to bring money for both of these however it is not essential.

All lost property found on site will be shown to the children daily, and displayed at sign out on the final day of their stay to ensure any belongings are reunited with their owners. After this, any remaining lost property will be taken to head office and held for 2 months before being donated to a charity of our choice.

Unfortunately, we do not allow parent/guardian visits.

There are no laundry facilities for children to use at the school. As the camp is 3 nights in duration, we encourage parents to send 3 sets of day clothing. They will also need additional clothing for evening activities. You will need to send your child with a towel, however, bedding and a pillow is provided.

If in the unfortunate event your child becomes ill during camp, we will notify the parent/guardian immediately. We will have first aid supplies and a qualified first aider available 24 hours a day.

You can set up a payment plan to pay in instalments, simply choose the instalments option on the Enrolmy booking process.



Can you beat your BEST? You'll need to be at your BEST. Every camp will have at least 2 exciting challenges each day!

Our Camps