Summer of Camps Selfies Competition – use our selfie boards!
What is new on our camps this year?
We are launching our Summer of Camps Selfies Competition and inviting all children and parents to participate. All you need to do is have some fun with our selfie boards on camp and enter for a chance to win a free place on one of our 2022 camps.
Each year, we strive to improve our already amazing camps by making them even more fun and engaging. And for 2021 we put together these new selfie boards! We thought of children using them to capture a glimpse of their days on camp. They will take these memories home with them to revisit over years to come.
When our selfie boards samples arrived at the office, our colleagues tested them straight away. It was both to make sure they worked, and for a bit of Euro 2020 sweepstake related fun. It was then that we thought we could put them at even better use.
What if parents and youngsters can also join into the fun and enter a competition?
As our much awaited summer camps 2021 start today, we launch our new Summer of Camps Selfies Competition!
Win a free place on camp with our selfie boards
Grab the selfie board on camp and take a few photos of your child and friends to enter our competition for a chance to win a free place on camp for 2022.

Once you have taken the photos, follow the next steps:
- Post as many photos as you’d like on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram profile.
Remember to make the post public on Facebook, so we can see it and record your entry. We will record one entry per person, to give everybody a chance to win. - Tag us as @ActivateCamps across social media.
- Use the hashtags #ActivateCamps and #ActivateYourSmile
- Tag a friend.
It’s that simple! You have now entered the competition and will be in the draw for mid-September (we wanted to make sure all parents will have enough time to enter).
We will announce the winner by the end of September. Good luck, and see you on camp starting this week!